











  MENTORING CLASSES can come to your Church or Marketing Group for a one day, four day or weekend seminar... and NOW there's the Destiny Group Mentor School with classes in Florida or Online LIVE by way of FACEBOOK.

Click the Destiny group Logo to visit the School




Dr Rick, Dr. Jack Strom and Dr. Myles Munroe

Mentoring is one step beyond discipleship. Jesus said to His disciples, "Follow Me and you will BECOME". Some followed what Jesus did, but those who went on to become what Jesus said became protégés full of His Spirit.

Mentoring is literally the ministry of being a Spiritual Archeologist that helps people discover the treasure and purpose of God already in them.


Call today and invest in your future.

 call 772-979-3409 (for more details) or e-mail at DrRickKendall@outlook.com

These classes are not just "monologue", but "dialogue" interaction.

GO TO www.rickkendall.org to see all the details on joining in the class sessions.

More information on other class locations

email: DrRickKendall@outlook.com  


God revealed a vision of His hand holding a multi-faceted diamond, and as He turned the diamond, someone saw their reflection and began to understand where they fit in God's plan of ministry.

Dr. Rick Kendall leads these interactive classes with relevant and revelatory insights to tap the treasure and purpose in each student.  

Interested in having a weekend, or 4 day or 4 week version of the Mentor Seminar to come to your church or group? Call us at 772-979-3409